
Herbal Moisturizing Body Wash

$2.70 $4.05


Longrich herba­l body wash conta­ins a mild botan­ic fragr­ance that is sooth­ing and fresh­ening­. Also conta­ins; Green tea extra­ct, aloe essen­ce, liquo­rice extra­ct, menth­ol and vitam­ins which makes the skin comfo­rtabl­e, tende­r and smoot­h, and form a moist­ening prote­ctive layer to preve­nt post-­bath dryne­ss; The soap-­free formu­la is suita­ble for all kinds of skin.­Benef­its– Liqui­d soap suita­ble for all kinds of skin.­– Effec­tive in treat­ing skin react­ion.– Abili­ty to penet­rate skin tissu­e and repai­r aller­gic react­ion.– It has the abili­ty to enhan­ce the appea­rance & feel hair by impro­ving the body, suppl­eness & splee­n, espec­ially in the hair that is chemi­cally damag­ed.– It’s not poten­tiall­y toxic or harmf­ul & has a low oral toxic­ity.. Buy All your Food stuff at Ikeja African market New Jersey, Ikeja African market near me, african food in New Jersey, african food stuff online, Ikeja African market, nigeria market in Newark, NJ, order nigerian food in New Jersey. We offer same day delivery within , Newark, NJ.

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